Sunday 21 December 2008

Robot Murder!

I had a scary thought.

If robots get good at walking, running, AI, holding a knife, using that knife to slice into a melon and serving it you while doing the robot dance; then what would stop someone buying an "unlicensed" robot off the black market and programming it to go and kill someone?

I've always thought it must have been great in the old days when you could murder someone and easily get away with it. Now with forensics it's almost impossible to get away with a bloody, horrific murder. Are these days of good ol' murder without getting caught going to come back - just with a new modern twist? One can only hope so.

Saturday 13 September 2008

10 Dimensions, 6 to explore!

Maybe if we figure out these extra dimensions we'll be able to communicate to alien races or our future selves using a dimension? If one of these dimensions has different frequencies maybe that'll be our new Internet protocol?

Soul Field?

I'm a proud atheist and I think religion is stupid and anyone who believes in a religion is also stupid. I do like thinking of life though. Is there more to it? Do we have a soul? How come I'm looking through my eyes?

Some people would say it's just electric signals flicking on and off in the brain. I agree with this but I always wonder if there is something else behind those electronics?

What if there is a "soul field"? Like the Higgs field but this may even be a dimension higher than the Higgs. If this kind of thing does exist then I imagine it would be on a different dimension and have no position in our 3D space.

I've thought a lot about the soul for a while now. I imagine it in our 3d world as a fish tank filled with sand and rocks as the soul. The more 'mass' the element has in this tank is a soul. It does not die or exist in time. I also believe this is why you can 'connect' with other people - be it a soul mate. This is because the souls are close together. I don't believe these souls exist in a 3d space though - it'll be something we can't even imagine!

I do love thinking.

What could we discover from the LHC?

The LHC is a wicked project but it might not only prove the existence of the Higgs field, string theory and dark matter. The LHC could lead to crazy things like time travel, anti-gravity, over unity, teleportation and maybe things we've never even seen in the best sci-fi film.

Hopefully we'll have a massive leap in technology, space and knowledge which will lead to crazy ass inventions... or maybe that $10 billion will tell us nothing.

Thinking about time

If we could find a particle or some part of a quark which isn't affected by time would it be possible to receive messages from the future?

Say this particle isn't affected by time. If you change it's state it remains like that forever. If you know where to look for this particle in the future you could find it's state and change it back. The person in the present time will then see the state has changed and then this could be used as a communications device!

Probably not though.